Monday, December 15, 2008

...and Pat thought it was cold out in the last post!

Today was cold.
-30 with a windchill of -38.
I missed the lunch hour session with Kim because I was starting and moving vehicles in the cold. After a heartwarming visit over a Tim's, I proceeded to a 4:30 90-minute class with Pat. I arrived to find the parking lot jammed, several cars looking for a place to park. The tension was thick, so I decided on the path of least resistence to home.

I returned to the 7:30 class with another instructor who was new to me, Sarah. She led quite a different class, but founded in the principles of the Primary Series Ashtanga.

I was cold-to-the-bone going in, and the studio wasn't much above 'room temperature', which was surprising since it's often far hotter.

I was stiff, a little sore and quite rigid in my first few movements. I decided to simply let the practice happen, and as always, I was well opened up after the first thirty minutes. It was also good to feel warm again!

I'm awefully weak in my core. Ashtanga proves that beyond a shadow of a doubt! It also targets the areas in which I need work. This is great because then, I can work those areas!

As I write this post, I'm so ready for some serious Shavasana (or Corpse pose, or sleeep to the layman. Well, it's not rightfully sleep in yoga terms, but rest.)

I'm looking forward to Dr. Mike's comments tomorrow morning at chiropractic. I'm also looking forward to my first session at the Sleep Clinic. I'll be sporting a gizmo overnight tomorrow that will monitor my sleep patterns. I've been anticipating this for what seems like forever. More on this later at the Armchair.

Glad I went tonight - my shoulders are stiff and a bit sore, but everything else is saying "thank you!"



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