Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Once an Ashtanga Turtle...

I've struggled with yoga as of late. In fact, I've struggled with consistency in a lot of the things that relate to my level of physical fitness. I got myself into a bit of a rut by allowing the circumstances around me to dictate how much I was willing, or not willing, to dedicate to my practice of well-being.

Back in November I lost my steam where yoga was concerned. I participated in Yoga Mala days - one and a half hours of yoga, once a day for thirty days. By the end of week two, I'd had it. The atmosphere in the studio seemed highly competitive. It was crowded, smelly and overall unpleasant.

I changed studios for a spell - followed one of my favourite instructors. Scheduling didn't work, so I tried a completely different studio. It was neat - no need for a yoga mat as the entire floor was one big one. Chinese Energy Yoga focuses on the energy lines of the body, and Monday's class in particular focused on intestinal circulation, and I discovered something. I have very little core strength. It simply means I need to do more of this training, but I'm not sure it's for me. It didn't feel 'right'.

From day one, Ashtanga has felt right. I describe it as "going to the gym without the equipment". Perhaps a re-visit is in order... on my own terms. After all, once an Ashtanga Turtle, always an Ashtanga Turtle.

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