Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I haven't been attending classes outside of Pat's noon hour offerings. I simply haven't felt inspired. I suppose that's the way, really, you go when you feel like going. But it reminds me about this thing we call diceplin. Growing up, I believed it to be something of a negative term - that sense of "have to do, against your will", like the little kid who doesn't want to go to school, but because his parents say he has to, he does. Or... 'diceplining a child' meaning, quite litterally, to spank them. Both kinda negative, but I heard a very positive view of diceplin once that I really rather like. It likens it to freedom. If you practice a 'diceplin', you learn and if knowledge is power and with power comes the freedom to act freely, then 'diceplin' is quite a positive thing.

I began to think of the things I practice regularly like a diceplin. Anything that requires a focused attention to it in order to achieve, I suppose, would be a diceplin.

To get away from the notion of 'harsh' being associated with diceplin, that's the key. Perhaps "focused atten to" could replace harsh.

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