Thursday, January 22, 2009

A good practice

Today's practice was much better than Tuesday's. I felt more centred, more 'in the now'. I noticed things like a natural progression throughout the class - my practice sped up as my body warmed up, my muscle groups lengthened easily. I also noticed some knee pain in the right. My right knee has been grumpy ever since we replaced the orthodics. We added a lift a week or so back and it's unclear to me whether it really helps or not.

On may way to the change room I bumped into Pat. I said,

"How are you on this balmy day?" (The temps have dipped back down around -22C)

"Blammy.", he said.

I found out after class that he still has brochitis. I offered up what I know about Oil of Oregano, and he nodded, remembering that he had some.

Still thinking about S.'s words from Wednesday.

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