Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Return to "normal"?

Wow, I haven't posted here since February??

It would seem that the Universe has diverted my attention away from documenting my yoga practice. It's also quite significant in that I returned to the yoga studio only today for the first time in five months. It would seem that when I needed it the most, I neglected actually using it. The month of May was killer, and June was a close second - stress-wise anyway.

Nevertheless, I returned today to a quite satisfying practice. I chose to walk to the studio - about a 2KM jaunt - and it got my metabolism moving for the first time today. I've been spending a great deal of time sitting, over the last couple days.

Audra was instructing today. She's a pretty gentle soul. She didn't adjust anyone in the class today - likely because the outside temps were bordering on winter conditions. Allowing the body to do what it will is a big deal when it comes to taking charge of your practice. You take charge by letting go, and I think it's a lesson from which everyone would benefit.

My body was clunky (is that an industry term?) today as I made my way through the Primary. I wonder if the reason I had such a great practice is that I did quite literally let things happen as they would. If my body said 'no', I complied. If my body said 'rest', I did. I truly felt as though I had this incredible focus on only me, and that was a liberating feeling.

In terms of routine, I think things are making their way back to 'normal' in comparison to the craziness of mid-year. There's a little fall-out to deal with in the non-yoga world this week, but I feel centred and ready to face it full-on. I likely won't blog about it because it's personal, but I will say that the strength I took away from class tonight is going to aid me in the upcoming life challenges.

Namaste and peace,

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