Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Yoga's like the gym

...in that, as I've discovered, you can most certainly over do it. Last couple of classes I've had a cranky shoulder - aggravated by lowering to Chataranga, plank, or pushup position. Even though we're encouraged to back off or omit postures that may be cause for pain or overexertion, this one's tough to let slide.

The half primary series has somewhere around 20 of these worked into the sequence. To omit them would be tough as it would break the 'flow' of the vinyasa flow. They link the forward fold to upward-facing dog. I'm really not sure how you would get from standing to up-dog without somehow going through a lowering transition.

Perhaps I could try it with only my left arm. We'll see.

In the mean time, I think I'll seek out a massage therapist.

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